Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who Am I, and Why am I your Friend?

I was doing the mundane real life chore of dishes today when I decided that I really had to start blogging again, but didn't want to go back to my livejournal, because I didn't really want to share any of my livejournal stuff with my Second Life friends, and vice versa. So I decided I am going to make a creepy crossing the 4th wall (crossing the screen?) blog of my second/first lives and document it here for anyone who might be interested in it.
It's an experiment, it's mostly for me, it's to get me writing again, and if you don't want to read it and don't like it-- tough. I'm going to say "you" like I assume I have an audience. Maybe, Maybe not.
I'm not really upset either way. But I'll write like I do.
Anyway, who is the Mysterious Miss Merlot?
Well, if I answered it all in this first post, that wouldn't really be very mysterious, would it?

Strangely, I'm everything like me and nothing like me in SL, and I know that doesn't make any sense at all. But people have always said that I lived in my own little world, just now I get to have people in it that talk back, and live autonomously from my dreams.
Welcome to the world that you share with me.

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