Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Merlot ponders

That in my last three posts I've mention not having found the right man yet. That's so pathetic. Actually, I was talking about this with a gentleman the other day and we both thing that the "partner" button is one of the worst buttons in SL. Of course, I can say that, but if he said it, people would just think he is... I believe the word they use on the mainland is... "player." (Although when I consider it, he probably is. *grins*)

I think the reason that it's been on my mind lately is because there really is more of a feeling of family in Caledon than elsewhere... and so I feel like I'm searching for a family to join, or create. This probably ties into my real life a lot as well, because of the adoption thing. We've been a year and a half into the process since we started now, and had two calls that didn't go through... so that reaching out and trying to create a family has started to bleed through into both lives. And I did warn that this journal would do the same thing.

So I guess that leaves me at a crossroads now. In my first life, I am in a perpetual limbo (which is ironic, because isn't that traditionally the place where all the babies are supposed to be?) It's the reason why I spend so much time on second life, actually. I work on my house, do the nesting thing, and await the call.

In second life, should I be searching for people to call my family, or should I be cool aloof singular woman with many distant acquaintances, who bops from place to place and works a bit here and there on little projects... which is basically what I am now. Or should I be looking for something different?

Heh, I didn't mean for this to be heavy.

1 comment:

Eladrienne Laval said...

Not heavy...just thoughtful. SL is what we make of it. Some of us are here to work or create, others to cope, and others to socialize. No matter the reason, as the wonderful Torley Linden once said, "SL should be a complement to RL" and I believe that. You find that you evolve as a person in here, your interests and such changing, and that's OK as SL allows one to explore the different facets of themselves. So don't worry, let your life in here unfold as it will. *smiles*