Monday, April 7, 2008

In which We Meet The Ambassador of Vulgaria...

Yesterday at the Garden Party in Morgaine I met the Ambassador of Vulgaria. I daresay he was quite a Vulgar man. I also believe he would have taken that as a compliment. He spoke of annexing the southern parts of Caledon, which he says "rightfully belong to his country."

Here is a bit of the most scandalous and yet entertaining conversation of the afternoon:

You: I wonder if the good ambassador would dance with me?
[16:49] Barken Roff: Certainly Miss Zymurgy
[16:49] Merlot Zymurgy examines the ambassador more closely
[16:50] Barken Roff: But to be fair to Caledon, it isn't all of Caledon that is formerly Vulgaria
[16:50] You: Oh? Only the best bits, I suppose...
[16:50] Merlot Zymurgy smirks
[16:50] Barken Roff: just the southeastern most lands, up to and including the Cay
[16:50] Barken Roff: North and west, you may keep
[16:50] You: Ah, like I said, the most temperate bits...
[16:50] Scotti Lyle: I daresay Caledon shall keep it all, Mr. Roff.
[16:50] Bamika Easterman: That's otta admit that.
[16:51] You: Ambassador, may I ask you a most indelicate question...
[16:51] Barken Roff: certainly
[16:51] Merlot Zymurgy coughs... your skin, it's a bit pale... I've done a bit of traveling myself
[16:52] Scotti Lyle whispers to merlot ... check his teeth ...
[16:52] You: Places like Hungaria, Romania, Snagov in particular.. Merlot Zymurgy coughs again.
[16:52] Barken Roff: Vulgaria is a land of much fog and overcast
[16:52] Roy Smashcan: Hmm, as much as I am one to despise capital cities and the people who dwell there - Caledon remains one realm, undivided.
[16:52] Merlot Zymurgy nods.
[16:52] Barken Roff: no, I am not a vampire
[16:52] You: Erm, yes, that is what i was getting at...
[16:52] Merlot Zymurgy blushes a bit
[16:52] Scotti Lyle breathes a sigh of relief and puts the turtleneck away
[16:52] You: But I'm rather fond of vampires myself... Pity.
[16:53] Barken Roff: but I can be called upon to bite and nibble in the most interesting of ways
[16:53] Bamika Easterman: Not that we have anything against vampires...
[16:53] Merlot Zymurgy chokes. Indeed.
[16:53] You: Yes, well I've been called biting as well, but usually they are talking about my wit.
[16:54] Marcus Tairov: Your whip?
[16:54] You: wi*T*
[16:54] Barken Roff looks over the most nibble-able bits
[16:54] Marcus Tairov: Ahh..I stand corrected
[16:54] You: Now sir...
[16:54] Roy Smashcan: Hmm, glancing at the history books, it seems there's been some clashes with Vulgaria before.
[16:55] Barken Roff: Indeed
[16:55] Roy Smashcan:
[16:55] Scotti Lyle thinks Merlot can take Mr. Roff's mind off conflict with Caledon quite easily
[16:55] You: Don't mistake desire for peace between our nations for something more
[16:55] Barken Roff: yes and as you have noticed, Her Grace quickly filled in the excavations that were taking place there. and the results of the investigations of the remains found were never published
[16:56] Barken Roff: ahhh, yes, the still missing Vulgarian Virgin Skinning knife
[16:56] Merlot Zymurgy coughs again

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